
Review : Remnant 2 : Remnants of Greatness

Review : Remnant 2 : Remnants of Greatness

When is the last time a game has surpassed your expectations? Given the exceptional slate of games from this year that keeps on giving, I imagine many would state a very recent title. But while so many games are delivering outstanding quality, did they truly blow you away in such…
Review : Godfall : All That Shimmers is Trash

Review : Godfall : All That Shimmers is Trash

You can find Seasoned Gaming’s review policy here My theory about Gearbox as a developer/publisher still stands true after so many years. Since the creation of the company, they have yet to release anything as substantial as the Borderlands series, with the third installation teetering on the more annoying side.…
Borderlands 3 : Season Pass 2 Announced

Borderlands 3 : Season Pass 2 Announced

When it comes to a continuous stream of fresh content, few games do it better than Borderlands 3. Since its launch last year, the teams at Gearbox have released a wealth of free updates, enhancements, and fixes all alongside four expansions. Well, they're not done just yet. Today the team…