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Rumor : Xbox Series X to Launch on November 6th

Rumors have been swirling over the past few hours about the Series X potentially launching in the first week of November. While we’ve speculated for some time that the date would be in November, we weren’t sure exactly where it would land.

We’ve now heard from multiple sources that the Xbox Series X will launch on Friday, November 6th. This aligns with the controller packaging materials that were found to have “Do not sell or display until November 6, 2020″ stickers.

We can’t confirm whether or not the Xbox Series S will launch on the same date or not at this time. Hopefully those details are shared in full later this month (along with confirmation of the November 6th launch date).


Our Take

This shouldn’t be wholly surprising. We knew the system would be launching in November but companies like to have a couple of weeks prior to Black Friday in the US and the Thanksgiving holiday. Regardless of the fact we are still waiting on the official word from both Xbox and PlayStation, it means we have less than 3 months to wait!


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