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Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite : Trailer and Details!


We finally have all the pertinent details on Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.  The game will be releasing on September 19th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.  Capcom announced the following character additions to the title:

There will be three editions of the game : the standard ($59.99), deluxe ($89.99). and collector’s ($199.99).   You can find all the details of each version via the official Capcom blog here : MvC:I Edition Details and Info

Lastly, Capcom provided us with the initial story trailer for the game highlighting the battle against Ultron Sigma :

Our Take

MvC has a pretty large, competitive following so we’re sure this game will be hit right out of the gate.  How the title is tuned and modified for the competitive seen remains to be seen, however you can bet Capcom intends to capitalize on the MCU being so large nowadays regardless.  Let’s hope MvC : I comes out of the gate in better shape than Street Fighter 5 did.

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