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WWE 2K Battlegrounds : Teaser Trailer and Details

This morning, 2K introduced a new title in the WWE series of games in 2K Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds will be an arcade style wrestling title aimed at fun, co-op gameplay. They described the title as the following:

We’re thrilled to introduce you to WWE 2K Battlegrounds, a completely new WWE gaming experience that will feature arcade-style action and over-the-top Superstar designs, environments and moves. We’re focusing on social pick-up-and-play fun, but with plenty of depth for those who want to get way into it.


WWE 2K Battlegrounds is scheduled to launch this fall and we look forward to sharing more information about the game in the coming months.

Our Take

The WWE hasn’t had a lot of good news lately but this game certainly looks like it could be a lot of fun especially if it has online multiplayer and even Royal Rumble style events. We’re looking forward to seeing more!


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