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Review : Beat Saber VR


I’m tired. Not from lack of sleep or because I overindulged in Thanksgiving dinner, which I did. It’s because of Beat Saber, the new PSVR game from Hyperbolic Magnetism.

Originally released earlier this year on Steam, it’s finally made its way to the PlayStation. The game challenges you to slash blocks with energy sabers (let’s be honest, they’re lightsabers) as they fly at you to the beat of various songs. Each of the blocks are painted with arrows denoting the way you’re expected to cut them. Not hard enough for you? Good. Add in walls that you have to dodge or duck, plus bombs that you have to avoid and you get a rewarding experience that will really give you a workout.

Aesthetically, Beat Saber does the job. It’s a lot of red and blues. The controls are spot on, which is extremely important in a game like this. This game requires the move controllers, which for a VR noob like myself, take a little getting used to. The real standout of the game however, has to be the music. While the techno scene isn’t my, well scene, it fits extremely well with the theme of the game. There’s enough of them to keep it fresh for a while, but a few more would have been a great addition. There are more on the way though in the form of DLC thankfully.

With four different difficulties and a ton of options, the game opens itself to beginners and rhythmic game connoisseurs alike. This isn’t more evident than watching my wife, who plays no games, and my kids fighting over who’s next. This game screams social and family gatherings. And that’s what it boils down to. The game is a blast! If you’re looking for a unique VR experience, look no further than Beat Saber.

For our full review discussion on Beat Saber, tune into Bitcast 36!

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