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New Scribblenauts Title Coming to Xbox One, PS4, and Switch

A new Scribblenauts title is on the way and will be a 4 player party game featuring over 25 mini-games. It will release on March 6th for the Switch, PS4, and Xbox One and you can find the announcement trailer and some details below!

The rating board description of the title is as follows:

This is a party/puzzle-platformer game in which players engage in a variety of tasks and mini-games using a selection of words/actions/modifiers/characters. Mini-games include fishing, racing, and using drones to deliver items. Players can type in random nouns and adjectives to create different word combinations that trigger comical scenarios. Some games/tasks prompt players to use “cartoony” weapons (e.g., bazookas, bombs, swords) to deplete the health meters of other characters. Characters can also eat/bite other characters when prompted by a modifying word/trait. A handful of areas contain enemy characters (i.e., skeleton warriors) that will attack players if approached. During an eating-contest mini-game, players’ character may vomit if they consume too much food without swallowing; a comical “gagging” sound effect is heard, as well as brightly-colored green vomit.
Our Take
Scribblenauts built a pretty dedicated following with its earlier titles so taking a new approach to the party game genre will be interesting. We certainly hope it turns out well. Are you a Scribblenauts fan?  What do you think of the move?
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