Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Coming to Xbox One with 4K Scorpio Support


Microsoft has been talking about merging Minecraft playerbases since last E3 but with so many versions in the wild, some running different code, we can imagine it’s a headache.  However, they have now confirmed that the Windows 10 version and Xbox One version will soon be merged (no specific date was given).  Furthermore, they stated that 4K support will be offered when playing on the Scorpio this Fall.

Our Take

The Minecraft phenomenon continues to rage on and it’s good to hear that Microsoft is making strides in bringing some of the communities together.  We’re anxious to hear how they plan to support Minecraft moving forward which will likely be discussed at E3.  We’re also curious as to how relevant 4K is to the title but nonetheless, we’re sure any 4K title will be mentioned with Scorpio moving forward!



By Seasoned Gaming

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