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BioWare Developing New Action/Adventure Game


During a call with investors yesterday, EA CEO Andrew Wilson commented on a new IP being developed by BioWare.

At the end of the fiscal year, our BioWare studio will be delivering an all-new IP, a clean-sheet design with new concepts, new gameplay mechanics, and new stories set in a unique new universe. This game has the potential to fundamentally disrupt the way people think about an action title, bringing friends together to play in an exhilarating new way. We’re very excited about the future of this new franchise and its ability to attract a large, global audience.

He continued further:

What we’re seeing more and more is genre-melding, which is great components of a number of different genres really kind of coming together into single games. And so when you think about this game, you should be thinking about the great RPG character development and storyline progression that BioWare is known for, but in a world of greater action and greater adventure, which is growing to be one of the larger categories in games.

BioWare’s Aaryn Flynn later commented on the reveal:

There’s much more to say in the coming months, but for now, I wanted to offer this additional background. In 2012, we began crafting a new universe full of new characters, stories, and gameplay. Our ambition is simple: draw upon 20-plus years of development knowledge and lessons to create something fun and new for you to enjoy with your friends. There’s nothing quite as exciting as building a new IP from scratch, and it will be even more thrilling for us to share more with you in the future.

Our Take

Anything developed by BioWare interests us.  A new IP from BioWare that combines RPG storytelling with co-op action?  Now we’re really intrigued.  With the game presumably releasing prior to March 31st, 2018 due to Wilson’s comments, it’s safe to say we’ll likely learn more about this new IP at E3 in June during EA’s Play event.

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